
Get Wrecked in Some Bar

You know, I should probably start posting more than once every three months if I ever expect anyone to read this thing.

Ah well, maybe some day.

In actual news, preparations for the filming of Transatlanticism continue apace. I've cast the female character and I have most of the crew. I also rewrote the screenplay and am (still) working on the shooting script. There are only two things holding me back: uncertainty about the camera I chose to buy and casting the male character.

Casting shouldn't be too big an issue, especially since I already know who is playing opposite him. However, I don't know very many male actors, and there is a chance that I might be delayed rather than just going with whoever is available. We'll see.

As for the camera, I want to buy the Canon HV-10. I could theoretically buy a better model, but I didn't do too well in my donation drive, and I don't want to spend $6,000 or more on something that might fail miserably. Nevertheless, I need to be sure it can do the job, and, well, I'm not. But I'm on it.

And... I think that's all. I might be drunk, though, since I had four beers for lunch, so if anything comes to me, I'll be back.